Run Yolei Run:(episode 18) When they discovered to destroy the base of the digimon emperor, they said not to return until they destroyed it. That night Yolei got excited about it and next morning at Izzy's house she was all pumped up and ready to go. In the digital world she went histerical and had too much energy. Finally before she caused more trouble her pal, Hawkmon saved her from Dokugumon's attack. Hawkmon became seriously injured and Yolei said her sorrys. She told them that she was no use and wanted to stay behind so she wouldn't cause more trouble. They agreed and Kari volunteered to help Yolei, so Davis, T.k., and Cody went off to find and destroy the base. Then the Digimon Emperor has something in stock for them....what is it? You can find out on the next episode. 
The old enemy returns:(episode 19) It is pretty much the same. T.K. and cody go first to find the base. After they were all out on the search, they found a dark whirlpool. The digimon emperor had built a creature called kimerimon who was a creation with mixed up parts of other digimon. T.K. and Cody managed to get into the base. While Cody was freeing some captured digimon, T.K. found that the digimon emperor wanted to get Devimon's soul to finish his Kimerimon creation. Devimon warned the digimon emperor also known as Ken. T.K. decided to take matters into his own hands and accidentaly met up with Ken. Ken told T.K. to go but he stood there and gave a lecture making Ken angry. He cracked his whip on T.K. but T.k. didn't even feel it. T.K. told Ken that he used fighting instead of reasoning too much and later decided he needed to fight Ken. He later left and Ken still had his base. Can the very powerful Kimerimon be destroyed? You can find out on the next episode.

The Darkness before Dawn:(episode 20) Ken still had control of Kimermon his creation and was going to destroy things when the digidestined arrived. They put up a plan to get into the base floating in the air. They went in and met up with the digimon emperor. They put up a fight and Ken's Kimerimon was still very powerful and could not be beat. Later Ken's digimon Wormmon wanted his Ken back and was willing to help the digidestined. He showed them the golden digi egg of kindness. Davis was able to unlease the power of the digiegg. Veemon golden armor digivolved to Magnamon. Can Magnamon defeat the digimon emperor? Find out in the next episode. 
The crest of Kindness:(episode 21) Magnamon was able to put up with Kimerimon but still he wasn't strong enough. The digimon emperor started hearing voices and it made him very weak but still very evil. Then the voices dissapeared. Wormmon still wanted Ken to be who he was before and as tears went down his cheeks said that he remembers the time Ken was very Kind and he was proud to call master. Wormmon, in order to save Ken gave up most of his energy to Magnamon to defeat Kimerimon. Using his Magna Explosion, Magnamon defeated Kimerimon. The digimon emperor was so unhappy he lost and wanted to start all over again. The digidestined told himm that the digital world was real and that he was destroying innocent living creatures. Ken suddenly realized what he had done and was horrified. He changed back to the original Ken and recieved the crest of Kindness. Wormmon was found and he was very weak. He was glad Ken returned to the way he was. Ken gave wormmon one last hug. Then Wormmon said a goodbye to Ken and was deleted. Ken cried and was sorry for what he had done. He returned to the human world and his parents were glad. What will Ken do with his crest of Kindness? Find out on teh next episode. 
Davis Cries Wolfmon:(episode 22) The day begins when Davis and T.K. are playing basketball. Davis turned out that he was really bad at playing and wasn't as good as T.K. was. He got angry when Kari cheered for t.k. instead of him. The digidestined ignored his mood and went to the digital world anyway. They volunteerd to clean up the digital world after what the digimon emperor had done. Davis didn't get much work done though. Davis at first was jealous of T.k. because patamon could digivolve to Angemon,champion level. He tried to get Veemon to digivolve to the champion level too. he tried to pretend he was in danger. Before he knew it, a big huge boulder came crashing down and it wasn't a fake. It hit Tortomon and made him very angry. He chased Davis and Veemon everywhere. Finally when they reached the edge of a hill Veemon, in order to protect Davis digivolved to Exveemon. T.k. brought up that they were still able to come to the digital world when the digimon emperor was good now. So what will happen next? You can find out on teh next episode. 
Genesis of Evil:(episode 23) It starts out that Ken was still sleeping and couldn't wake up. He had to find his true heart and it was nowhere to be found. he kept rethinking about his past and his brother Sam who later died. When Ken woke up he couldn't recognize anyone. He was just bewildered. Finally he say his crest and digivice and started to rememer about the digital world. He went to the digital world to find his true heart. He went to primary village where the baby digimon didn't welcome him because he was the digimon emperor. He sudden remembered that he was the digimon emperor before and felt very sorry for what he had done. He admitted tht his time he really wanted things to be the way it was and to the time when he promised Wormmon he would be gentle. His crest of kindness started to glow and he found the digiegg he was looking for. The egg hatched into the baby form of wormmon. He returned home and remembered his parents and who he was. He found his family at last. Will Ken join the digidestined? You can find out on the next episode. 
If I had a Tail Hammer:(episode 24) The digidestined go to clean up the digital world while Ken is at home feeling better. At night they seethis strange woman who says as the digimon emperor, Ken is a failure. She suddenly disappears and Ken is shocked. In the digital world, they were restoring primary village when they figured no ones digimon could digivolve to the champion level, perhaps because of the leftover control spires. When thundermon appeared, armadillomon digivolved to Anklamon, champion level. He couldn't defeat thundermon until he got help from an insect looking digimon that was the digivolved form of Wormmon. The insect saved Cody but Cody had a hard time getting to the facts because he didn't trust Ken yet. They realized that one of the control spires within that area was destroyed. Who is this mysterious lady? Find out on the next episode. 
Spirit needle:(episode 25) Davis believed that Ken was good now and that he was on their side now after saving Cody and wanted Ken to join them. Kari and Yolei didn't believe him. Cody had a difinite no in his head. he was rather up set over Ken joining. Davis went to meet Ken and told him to join the digidestined after all he was a member. Ken was bewildered and couldn't put himself into the spot to join and walked off. Davis decided to give ken more time to decide. Yolei was at home, pondering about her decision when Mimi had decided to go to the digital world. Palmon saw the woman take a thread of hair, turned it into a needle, and stick it into the control spire. The spire turned into Golemon. Golemon wanted to desroy a dam that would flood the area. Palmon got badly hurt and Mimi called for help. The digidestined got her message and came right away. They tried as they might but couldn't stop Golemon. Suddenly the insect digimon, Stingmon came with Ken. Palmon told them that although strange, Golemon wasn't a real digimon and that he was made out of a control spire like thundermon. She told them about the mysterious lady. Yolei began to realize that maybe she was wrong about Ken. Her digivice glowed and hawkmon who was hurt earlier suddenly stood up and digivolved into Aquilamon. With the help of Stingmon, the digivolved form of wormmon, Aquilamon was able to defeat Golemon. Ken told them he knew about the woman and tried to stop her. He truthfully said that he had no evil connection to the woman which was true. Ken still couldn't join them. Yolei sent him an email saying that she was thankful for his help and that it would be great for him to join. Will Ken finally join the digidestined? Find out on the next episode. 